Appeal a Citation

The Department of Parking and Transportation issues citations to vehicles parked out of compliance with campus, local, state, and federal parking regulations. There are few situations for which the University may choose to dismiss a citation. The recipient of a citation may elect to appeal a citation based on extenuating circumstances.

Vehicles with four or more unpaid citations, even while under appeal, are subject to the university's Towing Policy.

Appeal a Citation

Faculty, Staff & Students

  1. Login to
  2. Select "LMU Park Account" Access can be found under the "Accounts & Tech" drop-down menu along the top navigation bar.
  3. Click "Appeal Citations" at the bottom of the LMU Park main page.

Affiliates & Visitors

Affiliates and visitors may appeal a citation online via LMU Park.

Appealing a parking citation indicates that you believe you were parked in accordance with the Loyola Marymount University Parking Regulations and were incorrectly cited for a parking violation or that the occurrence was due to circumstances beyond your control. Appeals should be direct and address factual information only.

The following are examples of seldom granted appeals

  • Lack of knowledge of the regulations
  • Other vehicles were parked improperly
  • Parked improperly for a short period of time
  • Failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses
  • Violation not written for others in same or similar situation
  • Late to class or appointment
  • Inability to pay the amount of the fine
  • There was a passenger left in the car
  • A note of explanation was left on the windshield
  • Forgetfulness
  • Inability to find an authorized space
  • Failure to notice parking signs
  • Disagreement with rules or fine amounts

Refer to the Appeals Policy and Appeal Bylaws for additional information.