
Sense of Security

The LMUCC’s philosophy considers the relationship between primary caregiver and child as fundamental to all curricular efforts. Responsive and respectful caregiving allows children to feel a sense of security and therefore trust that their needs will be met. Subsequently, this security serves as the foundation upon which teachers offer guidance. This relationship takes effort and time, and is critical to all further socialization efforts.

Relationship-Based Care

We believe that all learning and development occur within the context of relationships. LMUCC offers children:

  • Primary caregiving where a teacher is assigned a cohort of children within the group.
  • Continuity of care where that teacher moves with the group from classroom to classroom.
  • Small group sizes and low teacher-to-child ratios to support the development of close relationships between teacher and child.

Sense of Community

As members of a community, we aim for children to expand on the primary relationship with their teacher to develop genuine relationships with all of their teachers and peers. The LMUCC cultivates a sense of belonging and ownership in each child to their immediate environment, including their classroom, school, and the broader LMU community. Fostering consideration for others happens while children play throughout the day. For example, all children are expected to tidy up the classroom regardless of their participation, as opposed to being solely responsible for unkempt areas they played in. Teachers make suggestions as to when children can help others, for example scaffolding by encouraging children to help comfort a sad child. When a new child enters the program, teachers involve the other children in preparing the classroom for the arriving child. Upon arrival, teachers support the development of these fledging relationships between peers by planning activities in which the children work in pairs.

Socialization & Guidance

Opportunities to exercise interdependence, cooperation, and responsibility are supported by teachers as children carry out their roles as members of a community together. Teachers work to develop a culture of consideration where children are expected to take care of themselves, each other, and their environment. Our curriculum emphasizes the development of children's social skills, including building friendships, respect for others, conflict resolution, and advocating for one's needs and ideas. Our goal is to promote self-esteem and problem solving abilities, which helps children gain the confidence to face new experiences.

Learning Through Play

Children live their lives learning in each and every moment. It is our role to honor that innate drive to learn by planning a day worthy of children’s curiosity and ingenuity. The principle considerations for planning curriculum activities are: knowledge of who children are, knowledge of what children’s capabilities are, and insight into how children learn best.