Frequently Asked Questions

Staff FAQs

  • The supervisor can use the "Send Back" button in Workday to return the self-evaluation to the staff member for review and to redo any steps.

  • Ongoing professional dialogue about performance and expectations is helpful to managers and staff. The annual performance review may serve as a time to celebrate success and discuss opportunities for improvement.

  • In the left menu bar, there is a printer icon. You can use this to create a PDF form of the current self-evaluation.

  • Currently, we do not have 360-degree reviews in place. However, there are discussions at the leadership level to consider implementing them in the future. In the meantime, supervisors can request feedback directly from their staff members. Staff members are also encouraged to add comments in the employee summary if they are not receiving the support they need or if they have feedback for their supervisor.

Supervisor FAQs

  • The supervisor can use the “Send Back” button in Workday to return the self-evaluation to the staff member for completion.

  • Please complete the performance review before the staff member goes on leave. If that's not possible, ensure that it is ready when they return.

  • If possible, complete the performance review before you go on leave. 

  • Yes, the manager would need to contact HR support at #87718 to send it back.

  • Yes, note which compliance training was completed. Additionally, strongly encourage them to complete the training right away.

  • No, performance reviews apply to staff members only. 

  • An automatic PIP will not populate in Workday. The supervisor will need to work with HR to draft one following an unsatisfactory review. 

  • If there are staff members on the team with similar roles, it is recommended that you be consistent and ask for feedback from others. 

  • Review the staff member’s job description to determine who to approach for feedback. Ensure that job-related questions are asked to assess their performance.

  • Seek to understand and set clear expectations with the staff member. Ensure feedback is aligned with the supervisor’s supervisor. If the staff member still disagrees, they can submit a written response. 

  • It is highly recommended to complete a performance review to help the staff member learn and grow.