Performance Reviews

Performance Management is an ongoing, continuous process of communicating and clarifying job responsibilities, priorities, performance expectations, and development planning that optimize an individual’s performance and aligns with department and university strategic goals.

The Performance Review Process

  1. Employee: Complete self-evaluation.
  2. Manager: Complete manager evaluation; Add comments to self-evaluation and complete performance review.
  3. Manager's Manager: Review and approve manager evaluation.
  4. Manager: Hold one-on-one performance review meeting with staff member.
  5. Employee: Acknowledge and comment on review.

Timeline and Actions Required

May 13 - June 24: Self-Evaluation

Once the annual reviews are launched in Workday, employees receive a notification to complete their self-evaluation. This self-evaluation provides an opportunity to describe your performance and most significant accomplishments this past performance year. Describe the impact of your accomplishments. Also, describe any performance issues you and your supervisor discussed and the improvements that were made. To avoid losing any content or the system timing out, please save as often as possible.

If you do not wish to provide a self-evaluation, you must enter “N/A” in each section in order to complete this task.

June 24: Move Self-Evaluations to Managers

If the self-evaluation is not completed by June 24, Human Resources will mass move all self-evalutations to the manager.

June 24 - July 31:

  1. Manager Evaluation
  2. Manager's Manager Review
  3. Employee / Manager Conversation – Manager shares final ratings and provides feedback.
  4. Employee Acknowledgement – In Workday, employee acknowledges end of year conversation took place.

Tools and Resources